Shortness of breath or also called dyspnea is a condition in which a person has difficulty breathing. Feelings such as choking and tightness in the chest can be caused by several things, such as disorders of the heart and lungs or heavy physical activity. As mentioned above, shortness of breath can occur due to problems with heart or lung health. Because the lungs and heart are organs that function to release carbon dioxide and distribute oxygen to your body's tissues. If there is interference with the organ, then you can feel shortness of breath. Shortness of Breath Caused by Heart Problems Here are some heart problems that can cause shortness of breath: Heart disease Whatever conditions affect the heart and its ability to pump blood, it can cause shortness of breath. Usually, shortness of breath due to heart disease can be accompanied by chest pain. Heart failure Heart failure occurs when the heart is swollen and is unable to pump blood throughout the body normal...